Weekly Adventures

Here we are again and I missed last week. Not to much exciting has happened in the last two weeks. Of course work has been crazy and I have been putting in a bit of overtime.

I was poking around on Pinterest about taking better photos with your iPhone and found some apps that people recommended. So I have been playing with those.

My Murphy Dog!

Rain Lilies I saved from my overgrown backyard!

New Frangipani, I can't wait for it to bloom, it is supposed to be yellow!

Memorial Day weekend, we cleaned up my backyard. We pulled out all my flower beds because they were so overgrown and the weeds had just taken over. When I bought the house I didn't like the stone edgers that were there anyways. I was trying to wait until I could afford to replace them, but decided to just pull them all out and start fresh. I was sore for a week from bending over and lifting those stones.

Last Wednesday I came home from work and was just exhausted. It was the first time in awhile that I didn't come home and paint. That is why there wasn't an update on the progress of TinkerBell. I plan on picking it back up this coming Wednesday.

Books: I read Charlaine Harris's last Sookie Stackhouse book called Dead Ever After. These are the books that the show TrueBlood is based from. I know everybody is going to say I am crazy but I have never seen an episode of TrueBlood. I have read all the books now. A lot of people gave this book a bad review. I don't want to spoil it for anybody, but I think it's just because it didn't turn out like everybody had hoped. For me the ending was perfect and exactly the way I think it should have. I say Good Job to Charlaine for writing the story the way she saw it, and not the way the fans wanted it.

TV: I still don't think there is much worth watching on the TV right now. Although I do enjoy watching The Big Bang Theory reruns. There is a show I am looking forward to that starts at the end of the month. Under the Dome starts Monday, June 24th on CBS at 10pm. This is based off a Stephen King book, which I picked up and I am now reading. When I picked up this book I was shocked at how big it was, a whopping 1074 pages.

Movies: I had gone and seen this movie at the theater, and it came out on DVD last week. It's Mama, I thought it was quite creepy. Although I usually think anything with kids and some kind of supernatural ends up a bit creepy.

Music: I figured I go a little Old School! My Favorite Band when I was in High School, and I had one wall dedicated to just posters of them, is Faith No More. I was so in love with Mike Patton.