LifeBook 2014 ~ Week 3 ~ Creative Exercises 4-7

I finally got around to finishing up the exercises by Carla Sonheim for my LifeBook Class Week 3. Although I am still not completely done with Week 3, I still need to complete the mixed media envelope for all of my little exercises to fit into. I am hoping to work on that tomorrow night.

These last 4 exercises were extremely tough but fun all at the same time.

Exercise 4: Imaginary Flowers - She had us take 2 pieces of scrap paper, glue them down, and then make flowers out of them.

Exercise 5: Animals in Tape - She had us throw down some washi tape and then look at them and try and make animals out of it. I got a dog, penguin, and a dancing bear.

Exercise 6: Found Poetry - She gave us a paragraph and we had to come up with 3 poems. I am normally very good at these kind of things but I surprised myself and came up with 4 poems. Also these inspired ideas for painting for the future.

Exercise 7: Blob Animals - She had us take some paint and just make blobs with it. Then we had to create animals from the blobs. So these came out so cute. The top one is a fairy dog, I saw this and then thought of the movie Coraline. The bottom left is a squirrel playing bagpipes. Then a fox on the bottom right. I think he is my favorite, and I saw him right away.